Reko API | Documentation
To learn more about the Reko API inner workings, please check out the readme on GitHub
Reko API is online at, you can check the server status and api version at /version.
For any doubts or issues you can contact the developer, or refer to this MyAnimeList post.
- Generic Responses
- Generic Errors
- GET User Recommendations
- GET Specific User Recommendations
- GET Similar Users
- GET Compare Users
- GET Random Recommendations
Response data is wrapped in an object containing the requesting user data, and, for paginated responses, pagination details.
requester: {
username: string;
hash: string;
pagination: {
current: number;
previous: number | null;
next: number | null;
data: Data;
Common errors text/plain
404Resource does not exist
405Invalid request method
503Rate limited
All the errors that the server can handle, are sent as json. They include the response http satus code, a displayable message and their unique id.
code: number;
id: string;
message: string;
Common handled errors application/json(status | ids)
GET User Recommendations
Get anime recommendations from the lists of the most similar users.
query parameters
- page number (optional) | decides the recommendations page The page number is clamped between 1 and 20, pages MAY NOT return data.
- batch number (optional) | decides the similar users batch The page number is clamped between 1 and 40, all pages return data.
request example (javascript)
async function recommendations(username, page = 1, batch = 1) {
const res = await fetch(
return await res.json();
requester: { ... };
pagination: { ... };
data: Array<{
id: number;
score: number;
details: {
title: string;
mean: number;
airing_date: string | null;
length: number | null;
rating: string | null;
picture: string | null;
genres: Array<string>;
users: Array<{
score: number;
username: string;
hash: string;
similarity: number;
GET Specific User Recommendations
Get anime recommendations from the list of a specific user.
query parameters
- page number (optional) | decides the current pagination The page number is clamped between 1 and 20, pages MAY NOT return data.
request example (javascript)
async function recommendationsFrom(username, other, page = 1) {
const res = await fetch(
return await res.json();
requester: { ... };
pagination: { ... };
data: Array<{
id: number;
score: number;
details: {
title: string;
mean: number;
airing_date: string | null;
length: number | null;
rating: string | null;
picture: string | null;
genres: Array<string>;
GET Similar Users
Get the most similar users.
query parameters
- page number (optional) | decides the current pagination The page number is clamped between 1 and 40, all pages return data.
request example (javascript)
async function similarUsers(username, page = 1) {
const res = await fetch(
return await res.json();
requester: { ... };
pagination: { ... };
data: Array<{
username: string;
hash: string;
similarity: number;
GET Compare Users
Compare two users.
request example (javascript)
async function compareUsers(username, other) {
const res = await fetch(
return await res.json();
requester: { ... };
data: {
username: string;
hash: string;
similarity: number;
GET Random Recommendations
Get random anime recommendations from the lists of the most similar users.
query parameters
- batch number (optional) | decides the similar users batch The page number is clamped between 1 and 40, all pages return data.
request example (javascript)
async function randomRecommendations(username, batch = 1) {
const res = await fetch(
return await res.json();
requester: { ... };
data: Array<{
id: number;
score: number;
details: {
title: string;
mean: number;
airing_date: string | null;
length: number | null;
rating: string | null;
picture: string | null;
genres: Array<string>;
users: Array<{
score: number;
username: string;
hash: string;
similarity: number;